Monday, April 23, 2007

Publisher was fun...I miss it. I really think you can make some fun things with it. Maybe a spring project for my kids??? This class certainly makes me think of new and different ideas to bring to my teaching. I don't always follow through with the ideas, but when I do the kids seem to enjoy the "change of pace."

It would have been fun to try and make a web page. I truly am not sure why I would want one. I haven't quite figured out where I personally fit into that. I like the idea of helping the kids create one for the purposes of saving work etc... I guess, but why not just save work in documents and files. I can understand why businesses etc...would want one, but why have a personal one. Again not sure.

Monday, April 9, 2007

What a blast making the powerpoint presentation! I do wish I had been able to think of a more productive topic...Parenting certainly was fun and brought me back to my "younger days," but the presentation isn't anything I will keep. But it was fun...

I won't be here on Wednesday. I have another engagement. I will be sure to check out the next session during vacation so that I won't be too far behind.

Monday, April 2, 2007

So we have a quick minute while everyone is finishing up with their assignment planners. I feel much better about my task today. Notetaking gave me a better focus for the students I spend time with...I will have them use this to help with the summary they will create.

Did my first Power Point...really not as hard as I always thought it would be. I can see now why kids love it (and why adults use it so much for presentations). It will be important to make sure (as Steve said) to NOT allow color, etc...when doing notetaking. Way too much fun and as with so much of this could take away (once again) from the actual "thinking" that needs to take place!

Printed out the Citation Maker directions...once again I will share with my son at home, but so far he has been familiar with everything. I think I will also give information to my daughter who is a journalism major. I would love, for once, to be able to "teach" something to them. So far, NOT so good!!!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

So I was late today...2pm PET that should have ended in plenty of time, but that didn't happen. So I came in a little frazzled which is never good for me...

Enjoyed the Tools information, had heard it before and it is a great idea. Will try it next week I think. I also loved the Kids Click. We will be reading a nonfiction story on Braille and when I typed in Braille I got lots of things that I will use with my group of boys. They will love the riddle page.

I really loved the article...look forward to reading it next time and reviewing the information. I think I may even send a copy to the administrator at my building!

Monday, March 26, 2007

I think I will be using Wikepedia more with my kids at school.

Monday, March 19, 2007

I am posting my blog early...I need to leave as early as possible tonight as we have company at home.

Anyway...tried to use Marvel today with some of my fifth graders. I was going to search information on Chester (can't remember his last name, but I knew it then) who was the person who invented earmuffs. We had read a story on this topic. But when I accessed Marvel, it wasn't working. We will try again tomorrow.

I am also planning to use Minerva with the same students. Having them choose a book using their lexiles and interest.

Today's information is information that I am a little less likely to use. I enjoyed it and will probably again share with my own children. My daughter who is always researching as she is a journalism major will benefit from a lot of this. My high schooler is a little less motivated...we can only hope that changes!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Session 4

If I can eventually get to this posting piece without help all will be good! I just can't seem to visually get these steps...

Anyway, lots of wonderful information (a little too much for me!) So I will focus on just a few sources...Britannica because of the ability to look at different reading levels for research, Novelist K-8 because I can allow students to search for their own titles, (both through Marvel) and then use the Minerva more!

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Session 3

Thanks Connie telling me about NEW POST. I tried to Blog earlier in the week and couldn't get to where I needed to be. I guess you DO learn something new every day. Love, love, love the rubrics. I can't wait to share the information with others. What a wonderful way to do less work, but get more out of the work that you do!

Really enjoying this class...time flies. Didn't really want to take another class after 25 years of teaching, but it certainly has been well worth it so far.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Session 2

I can't wait to share this information with my 16 year old son! Through this whole class I learned a lot of information to help him with the plagiarism stuff.

I also love the graphic organizers. I work with Ellen Monaghan who took the class this summer so I am familiar with some of the organizers. She would always get them and then we used them together. Now I can access them myself.

Friday, March 2, 2007


Annie Jo's blog is active!
