Thursday, March 8, 2007

Session 3

Thanks Connie telling me about NEW POST. I tried to Blog earlier in the week and couldn't get to where I needed to be. I guess you DO learn something new every day. Love, love, love the rubrics. I can't wait to share the information with others. What a wonderful way to do less work, but get more out of the work that you do!

Really enjoying this class...time flies. Didn't really want to take another class after 25 years of teaching, but it certainly has been well worth it so far.


Mrs. Burns said...

Annie Jo, You're welcome! It is always good to learning new things. I'm glad you are finding the class useful. Steve and I are passionate about this process. I liked your comment about doing less work and getting more out of it with rubrics. That's a great way to look at a lot of what we are teaching in this class.
See you on Monday,

skoelker said...

Please do "share the information with others" Annie Jo. Friends are the best teachers of one another, so your learning and enthusiasm will pay dividends beyond your own teaching.
